The Diary of a Child Who Disappeared (#/71;) Cultivate Our Garden
Masayuki Nishimura Er liebte es nicht
Norman Gensel, Tine Laser, Vera Ohlsson Vattenaltare
Christel Hansson Good news sedan 2003
Juan Cano Six considerations of a Landscape
Roy Willingham Erdhalbkugel in haifischbalance
Angelique van Wesemael, Gerlinde Creutzburg, Johanna Ruth Bennrath and four more Andra sidan
Jan Anders Hansson We are are eating breakfast/it is the same time everywhere
Megan Adie Room
Lina Nordenström Botanical
Mårten Nilsson Fashion 1970-75
Jeannette Lindstedt The White Code
Jeannette Lindstedt Mönster
Eva Hejdström Crumpled/paper/poetry
Eva Hejdström 29 – An alphabet
Eva Hejdström Partitur
Christel Hansson